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The Five Weird Habits Meme

Paula tagged me – I have to reveal my five quirky habits to all of you.

Here are the rules:

The first player of this ‘game’ starts with the topic ‘5 weird habits of yours’ & people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. in the end, u need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged & list their names.

It would be much easier to write about my co-workers’ weird and quirky habits, since living in cube world facilitates getting to know them much too well. I know, for example, who does crossword puzzles in the bathroom (worse, I know what time). I know who is allergic to her own perfume (even she doesn’t know that). I know who talks baby-talk to her boyfriend. I know who talks baby-talk to her plants.

But me? Weird and quirky habits? I can’t think of any. (Maybe I should ask my co-workers.)


1. While waiting for a flight, I like to size up my fellow passengers and decide who to eat first when the plane crashes.

2. I walk everywhere, and I have a variety of things I do while walking to entertain myself. For example, I look at everybody’s license plates and unscramble the letter to make words. I scan the sidewalk constantly for change for the Dave X Change Challenge. I do math in my head. I’m always counting in the background of my brain. And there’s always a song playing in my head – if I’m lucky, it’s a song I like. (Today it’s Spanish Flea by Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass).

3. I don’t get out of bed until I’ve remembered something about the day that I’m looking forward to.

4. I have trouble keeping up with my nails. They grow too fast. Every time I turn around, my toenails are slicing holes in my socks, and my fingernails are in the way when I’m trying to play guitar.

5. Whenever I get a new hobby or interest, I go way overboard buying stuff – I buy books, subscribe to magazines, and go shopping for supplies and tools of the trade and patterns and materials and how-to videos. Sometimes I’ll read the first book and decide I don’t really have much interest in that hobby after all, but I’ve just dropped $500 on it. Quite the quirky quandary.

So, yeah, I guess I do have five weird habits. Who would have thunk it?

I’m tagging these five bloggers to reveal their quirks for our general amusement:


8 comments to The Five Weird Habits Meme

  • I don’t do tags on my blog, so I’ll give you a comment here. Also, I have no weird habits. Only rational behaviours that others have not picked up on yet.

    1) Most mornings I eat rice and curry for breakfast.

    2) If I am at a place that doesn’t serve rice and curry for breakfast, I usually get scrambled eggs or an omelet, ask for hot sauce and eat the eggs in a sandwich made with the whole wheat toast that comes with the breakfast.

    3) I learn songs by keeping a waterproof lyric sheet holder on the wall of my shower.

    4) I leave my bicycle helmet unlocked on my bike except when it’s somewhere that has a fair number of drunk people walking by.

    5) I only pick up pennies that are heads up. When they are tails up, I turn them over for the next person.

  • Jeez, and I thought I was weird!

    Next time I find a heads-up penny in the neighbourhood, I’m going to wonder if you turned it over for me. :)

  • Well, I’ll have to think on it. I am quite sure right now that I have NO weird habits at all. Or at least, any I can tell the world about.

  • Okay, I’ve been thinking and I can’t think of 5 things I habitually do that are odd. I pick at my fingernails when under stress, I always put the left sock and shoe on first. But I don’t think those are odd and there aren’t five of them. Sorry! Maybe the next one?

  • Julia, you mean you put one sock on, then that shoe, then the other sock, then the other shoe?

  • Yeah, what is that with the sock and the shoe on one foot first?

    I’ll tell you what it is… it’s the tip of the weirdness ice berg.

  • I do, when I’m wearing both socks and shoes (I try to get rid of the socks as early as possible in the Spring and not put them back on again until it gets really cold). It’s just a habit but interestingly, I saw an episode from the old Archie Bunker show (long after I did the sock and shoe thing) where Meathead did the same thing. His rationale was that in an evacuation, Archie would be standing outside in two wet socks but he, Meathead, would at least have one warm and dry foot! Works for me. But it would always be my left foot that would be warm and dry.

  • I’m with you on number 5. I do the same thing.

    Number 3 is terrific! I’ll have to remember that one.