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Matéo meets Phoenix

My friend Cynthia and her 25-month-old son Matéo came to visit. Matéo just started to talk last month and now he speaks English, French, sign language and a little bit of Spanish. Cynthia and I were saying how wonderful it would be if we too could suddenly acquire whole new capabilities. We could phone each other with exciting news like “I can speak Swahili now!” or “I started flying this morning!”


This is Matéo making mud on my balcony using my watering can, dirt from my basil plant, and a giant knitting needle:

Mateo making mud

After he had made me a lifetime supply of mud, we went to the park across the street.

The slide had cool hair effects:


There was a playhouse too:

Matéo in the window

My little neighbour Phoenix was at the park, so Matéo and Phoenix became instant best friends, sharing their toys and teaching each other new things like how to jump.

Phoenix and Matéo

Eventually it was time for Phoenix to go home and have a nap. Matéo wistfully waved goodbye to Phoenix and called out “Bye bye Kleenex.”

Cynthia and I were in the sandbox laughing so hard I almost wet my pants.

1 comment to Matéo meets Phoenix

  • Dakota

    LOL! Bye bye Kleenex! How do kids come up with that stuff!
    Great kids, lovely photos. Of course I liked the static hair one best! :)