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Some Frank stories from Joey

Frank Plummer’s lovely wife Joey, writes:

“Hey, it’s very nice of you to let us pour out our emotions on your site! I think that amongst all the crazy thoughts that are going on in my head right now I really can’t imagine life without Frank. He always managed to make me smile even while I was yelling at him for something.

The kids and I were turning onto our street the other night and remembering how he would turn onto the street and see our neighbour Heather, with her back to us, working on her front garden. He would swerve onto the sidewalk leaning on the horn. He thought it was hilarious to see how high she would jump…holding her hand to her heart. I would be screaming at him that she was going to have a heart attack. Inside I was smiling.

Even on the Friday before he died I had taken the day off work and put a frozen dinner in the microwave for my lunch. I realized it hadn’t beeped when I caught Frank trying to eat it as fast as he could before getting caught. Even as I was yelling at him he was grinning at me and trying to finish it before I could grab it.

When I went out with my book club friends we would always talk about crazy things our husbands did. I always won. This one time I was coming home after book club and I walked in the door just as he was coming up the basement stairs totally naked except for a can of pledge in his hand. The funny thing was that I knew exactly what he was doing. I had asked him not to clean his tools in the basement because the smell was toxic. I knew that is just what he had been doing and had spilled something all over himself and the basement. He had stripped downstairs and thrown his clothes in the wash, cut out the piece of carpet with the spilled chain saw gas and had grabbed the first thing he thought might hide the smell. I knew him so well that I didn’t even have to ask. I just shook my head and filed it away as yet another ‘Frank’ story.” – Joey

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