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The best part of the whole day

The one thing that GC, Duncan and I always agree on is that bedtime is the best part of the whole day.

GC and I usually start the night out snuggled up together in the cold bed. Duncan climbs on top of us and spreads himself out along our uppermost edge, purring and peering down at us like a gargoyle. Usually he drops one big furry paw down to rest on my face. We all huddle together like that, purring and talking, until we’re warm and happy.

Then I gently roll Duncan off of us to my left side, where he lies spread-eagled on his back, cradled in my left arm, his head on my shoulder, his paw in my hand, purring. And GC rolls gently off to my right side, his right arm wrapped around me. (Lucky me, I always get to sleep in the middle.)

Sometimes I wake up in the night and find us all woven together, arms and legs and paws and whiskers and heads and knees and tails. Sometimes GC’s right arm is wrapped around me and Duncan’s left arm is wrapped around me, and they’re both snoring gently into opposite sides of my neck.

Sometimes I have to pee but I don’t want to disturb them, so I don’t.

Sometimes, though, I’m way too hot, and then I have to extricate myself from the duvet and the overheated tangle of bodies. (But only briefly – a few minutes later I’m back, trying to re-create that sweet, cozy tangle.)

Bedtime wasn’t always my favourite part of the whole day. My bed used to be too big, and it would take forever to warm it up when it was just me in it.

8 comments to The best part of the whole day

  • Jo

    I heartily agree! My favourite bedtime ritual is watching The Daily Show on my laptop with the Man of Science and some configuration of pets. Shy Dog snores, which I find oddly soothing.

  • What a sweetly descriptive post. Thank you.

  • grace

    Since the last daughter left home we are four to the bed. Fortunately Ramona, a very calico of calico cats, has entered her dotage and forgets (part of the time) that she detests her step-brother. She has her special blankie at the foot of Steve’s side of the bed and Lucky has a special pillow between the grown-ups’ pillows at the top. All four of us (so I’m told by last daughter) snore.

  • Oma

    Loved the happiness in this post … the sense of peace that pervades it.

  • Nancy

    Please can we have more pictures of Duncan? Pretty please?

  • I think this post was the best part of MY day! It was so sweet, I had to read it aloud to Kate. And since we’re away from our bed and our pet, we had to call the dogsitter to put the dog on the phone so we could tell her we’ll miss her at bedtime.

  • […] Zoom, on the other hand, thinks that bed cuddling stuff is the best part of her day – the closeness, the intimacy, the comfort of lying next to someone as they sleep. Lots of people would agree with her. Only 12% of couples do not sleep in the same bed. Aside from sleeping and nightly romping, a couple’s bed also serves as a refuge from the kids, a place to talk over the day in private, to cuddle, and for easy morning roll-over sex. […]