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GC buys a giraffe

It has been a busy week around here, what with birds and garage sales and Art in the Park and job interviews and other activities. I also had a three-day migraine, which finally lifted yesterday. At first, after the pain stopped, it felt like my brain was bruised, which felt blissfully better than the migraine. It’s almost worth having a migraine for the sheer relief that comes when it’s over. Almost. (Actually, no, it’s not.)

We went to Art in the Park on Sunday afternoon. They’ve been calling it The New Art Show for the past year or two, but I expect that name will get old fast. The show fills up that park in the Glebe, and spills out onto Clemow Avenue. It’s one of my favourite shows of the year, and it was especially good this year.

I didn’t plan to buy anything, for budgetary reasons. We stumbled upon a double booth which an art teacher had rented for his own art and for some of his students’ art too. Ten-year-old Ella was working at the booth, and she had a number of pieces of her art for sale, but she hadn’t sold anything yet. Her pricing scheme was “Name your price.”

Of course that can just be awkward, because you have no idea if the price you’re thinking of naming is even in the same league as the price she secretly has in her head, so you don’t want to put it out there.

She told us that her dad wouldn’t let her hang her art up in the house, or, if he did, only on walls that people wouldn’t see much. Like the basement. Or her room. She figured he didn’t think it was good enough to hang on the real walls, even though he never came right out and said that.

At one point GC was talking to her teacher and I told Ella that there was all kinds of wonderful art at the show that I’d love to buy, including her painting of a giraffe, but that I don’t have a job right now so I’m not buying any art today. Then she told me that she’d be happy to sell her giraffe for $20, because $20 is a lot of money for her and she hadn’t sold anything yet.

A few minutes later, GC and I were walking away from the booth, and I related that conversation to him. He immediately turned around and went back to the booth. He asked Ella if the giraffe was still available, and would she consider selling it for $40.

I wish I had a picture of her at that moment. It was like all kinds of happiness just exploded throughout her entire being. GC looked pretty happy too.

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