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Whirlwind weekend road trip

Teapot and wine glass

GC, The Dog and I hit the road on Saturday morning.

First we swooped down on Chandler Swain’s house in the country for her Christmas pottery sale. Remember I said I don’t like tea? Well, I do like teapots. Especially Chandler’s teapots. I bought two more, along with a wine glass from […]

Road Trip Hiccups

Idyllic though our getaway weekend was, it wasn’t without hiccups.

On the way up there, I turned to GC and said “Did you bring the keys?”

“No,” he said.

“Me neither.”

So we turned around at the Carp exit and headed back to Ottawa, where we picked up the keys and gave Duncan an extra […]

This Perfect Day


Picture this: A cottage nestled in the woods on a hill above a lake. Windows everywhere. A crisp fall day. Crunchy leaves. A wood stove. A glass of red wine. A good book, read out loud by someone you love. Luscious yarn. A new pattern. No electricity. A cool night. Flannel pajamas. Chocolate […]

Road trip to Perth

Lying on the couch all the time – reading, writing, and knitting – is wonderful in its own way, but sometimes I have this burning need to go out and do something else, just to keep it wonderful.

Yesterday we did the Perth Autumn Studio Tour. It’s on today and tomorrow too, if you’re […]

Road trip: Mountains and rivers and knitting


I’ve been so busy the last few days! I know the freelance job is just a few days a month, but it’s these few days this month, and they just happened to coincide with our road trip to Lindsay to visit my sister and brother-in-law at their trailer. (We had a lovely time talking […]