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Maddie and Dylan

I love these tributes that Maddie and Dylan wrote for their Uncle Frank.

From Maddy:

“Frank was an amazing person. We all loved him. One time Frank was running in a marathon in Hamilton. After it, he came back to my house in Toronto. He asked me to rub his feet. I did…but I was only three years old, so I did it. After that I learned a lesson…not to rub his feet ever again because they were pretty sweaty and stinky after the race. He was still very funny and nice and I really miss him because he lit up our family’s life. I always think of him now. He was a great guy.”

And from Dylan:

“Frank was an amazing person, he showed me and everybody around him how to live a joyful and cheery life. He could walk into a dark and gloomy room and turn it into a bright room full of laughter. He always had a large passion for books his favourite book was called : The Invisible Man. I am Frank’s nephew my name is Dylan LeClair-Cooke I am nine years old. Frank never really wanted to go far from the Gleeb in Ottawa, yet he always dreamed of visiting the Yukon. Frank did not have an angry bone in his body. starting off as a bartender and then a joyful currier for a long time and then he went around the Gleeb lending a helping hand to whoever needed a little touch of Frank or just to be around Frank. It would take him a long time to get down the street because he knew so many people he practically knew all the people in the Gleeb. Frank was always caring and kind to me except for when I refused to rub his smelly feet!. Frank was a very exeptionel man who made the world spin a little bit faster and opened up the eyes to many people. He was a once-in-a-life time person and I think this world needs a little more of people like Frank Andrew Plummer. I will miss him very deeply forever.”

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