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Trade: One red paper clip for a house

He did it! The red paper clip guy had the goal of trading a paper clip for a house. It took a year of trading up, but he has accomplished his goal.

He traded the paper clip for a pen, the pen for a doorknob, the doorknob for a coleman stove, the stove for a generator, the generator for an instant party, the party for a skidoo, the skidoo for a trip to Yahk, BC, the trip for a cube truck, the truck for a recording contract, the contract for a year’s rent in Phoenix, Phonix for an afternoon with Alice Cooper, Alice Cooper for a KISS snow globe (???), the snow globe for a movie role, and the movie role for a house in Kipling, Saskatchewan.

I need a brilliant idea. (Got any brilliant ideas that you don’t have time for? I’ll give you a Triple A battery for it. )

6 comments to Trade: One red paper clip for a house

  • I thought I had brilliant idea last summer:

    A pole for a bike seats so you could always have a stool to sit on when you biked somewhere.

    But after some testing I decided bike seats aren’t really that comfortable.

    However, this summer, someone is selling them at the Bluesfest.

    (As for the paper clip guy, the house is in Kipling, Saskatchewan. I’d rather have the skidoo, the cube truck, or the movie role. Maybe even the snow globe.)

  • Oh, here’s an idea for you:

    Various government agencies have UFO sighting reports that you can get copies of with an access to information request.

    If you put the data from these reports in a database with a link to mapping and statistical software I bet you could make $$$$4 in advertising.

  • Wow. I’m all typos today. that’s supposed to be “a brilliant idea” in comment #1 and “$$$$$$” in #2.

  • Hmm, when you look at Kipling Saskatchewan on the map, it does look kind of lonely, doesn’t it? Just sitting out there in the middle of nowhere, looking wistfully at Winnipeg. Maybe his goal for the next year should be to trade his house in Kipling for one in Vancouver.

  • As for the brilliant ideas, Dave I think you’re a genius! The UFO siting database mapping…wow. We could put it online with webcams (in case the aliens come back to those locations)and GPS tracking and everything. Somehow. I’m sure some of the major pharmaceutical companies would want to advertise there.

    The bike seat is a good idea. Like you, I invented something once, didn’t act on it, and watched someone else get rich on the idea. It was mannequin nipples. Back in the 80s or 90s, it became fashionable for mannequins to have erect nipples. Everybody started throwing out their old, outdated mannequins and buying the new ones. I thought “why don’t they just make adhesive nipples and stick those on the old mannequins?”

  • Heck Zoom, are you sure you couldn’t still get rich on the nipple idea? You could sell them by the box with the tagline “They’re not just for mannequins”.

    And I like your thinking on the UFO tracking!