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Helping make a bad week better

They’re saying the two downtown fires at the women’s shelter and the women’s rooming house are unrelated. Foul play is being blamed for at least one of them. Regardless of how they happened, one woman’s dead and an awful lot of women on the bottom rungs of the socio-economic ladder are suddenly even more precariously housed. Ottawa’s shelter system was already stretched pretty thin, especially for women, and it needs our help now.

Some of the local bloggers have gotten involved by finding out what’s needed, and getting the word out.

Bob LeDrew has offered to spend a couple of hours on Friday driving around Ottawa and picking up donations of various kinds for women’s shelters. If you’d like to help, please visit Bob’s blog or Ian Capstick’s blog for more information. Laura Payton tweets that you can also drop off donations to the Hill Times at 69 Sparks Street by Friday.

2 comments to Helping make a bad week better

  • Nat

    I thought they’d decided all the fires were related… very odd.

    Kudos to these good folks for organizing things.

  • Zoom, I’m decluttering right now and we’re coming down after Christmas what can I bring to donate? We’ll have some room in the car. Let me know what they need as far as THINGS.