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Duncan’s Sleep Guidelines

Since I lost my job, Duncan has been instructing me in the fine arts of sleeping and waking up. I’m paying attention, because Duncan is the least sleep-deprived person I know.

The old, working-days way of waking up involved leaping out of bed at the screech of the alarm clock, but not actually waking up until I was in the shower. The new way that Duncan is teaching me takes a little longer and involves a great deal of stretching and yawning and purring and stroking and cuddling. It’s so much more civilized.

Duncan’s Cardinal Rule*

“Never get out of bed,” says Duncan, “Until you feel like it.”

Duncan’s General Guidelines

Duncan recommends following these few simple guidelines.

Squeeze in a nap wherever and whenever you get the chance.

Squeezing in a Nap

Squeezing in a Nap

No matter how big or small the bed, there’s always room for one more.

Curling up with Friends

Curling up with Friends

Never snooze alone when you could be snoozing with someone you love.

Snoozing with Zoom

Snoozing with Zoom

Always listen to your body, and never wear a watch.

Share the Warmth

Never wear a watch

*Caveat: These guidelines do not apply to people with hungry cats. People with hungry cats have no business sleeping. We recommend that the oldest human male in the house assume the role of designated morning staff person, whose duty it is to leap out of bed shortly before the crack of dawn and rush downstairs to make breakfast for the cat.

12 comments to Duncan’s Sleep Guidelines

  • Absolutely charming! Think I’ll follow Duncan’s guidelines to easy living from now on. 😉

    What a beautiful boy!!!

  • Aaaaawwwww… Had no idea Duncan was a ginger cat. I adore ginger cats. Btw, I espy a watch. Yikes!

  • Kellie

    awwww, that picture of Duncan snoozing with Zoom needs to go on Cute Overload! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. BTW if Duncan needs a girlfriend I have a long haired ginger girl who could be his twin (Marmalade is her nameo).

  • deb

    Rob has dogs that have servants too…

  • Duncan is such a lovely boy. My Tux snuggles with me like that. And Tux has also learned to feed himself… he knows if I leave the cat food container on the table, he can knock it over and it all spills out… if I get to sleep in, I know I’ll wake up to kibble all across the floor.

  • Mo

    I definitely had a “Duncan” wake up schedule today! Duncan looks great and very well rested in all of the pics.

  • When learning new skills, it’s always best to go to the expert in the field…
    I should send my little cat to Duncan to learn cuddling. She’ll lay down near me, but not with me. She’s never been “social”…

  • Thank you for the laugh! This is so perfectly true for my three cats.

  • Helen

    Are you sure Duncan isn’t a lion? he looks very leonine in those photos – maybe he’s a new, ginger brand of mini-lion…

  • Nancy

    Hey, my wish was granted. Pictures of Duncan! Hurrah!

  • Mary

    I am not a cat person. However, Duncan, has me re-thinking that. What a beautiful creature!

  • Gwen

    I love this!