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Wig weirdness

wigs1I went for a walk the other evening and found a trail of discarded wigs and pieces of wigs along the side of a 1km stretch of Merivale Road. Upon returning the next day to photograph them, I was disappointed to see the best one was already gone. It was a very long black straight-haired wig.

I took pictures of some of the others.

wigs2Do any of you have any theories about how these wigs came to be on the side of Merivale Road?

My theory is maybe they were used as disguises in the commission of crimes, and then hastily discarded afterward. (Although, if I were going to hastily discard my disguise after the commission of a crime, I’d put it in a bag in a public garbage receptacle.)


11 comments to Wig weirdness

  • grace


  • that middle one looks like a dead rat

  • Mo

    These photos are very creepy and Rorschach-like (inkblot tests). The first one looks like a dead poodle.

  • Em

    That’s pretty creepy. David Lynch kinda creepy.
    The West End has had a lot of robberies over the past few months, so you could be on to something…

  • I’m thinking more positive thoughts…like getting rid of wigs is FREEING. Maybe someone decided they no longer wanted to be someone they weren’t (e.g. a balding person covering their head) and decided, on a whim, maybe even on the way to THE ONLY WIG CLEANER IN TOWN, and just BOOM, there you go, out the window. No more wigs.

    I imagine throwing a box full of wigs out of a window could feel pretty great.

  • They’re wigs not real human hair? If they were human hair I’d think someone liberated a bag of hairdresser clippings for birds that are building nests…but wigs…that’s really very creepy. I think it’s something nefarious too…and I too saw a dead poodle and rat!

  • Distinctly odd.

    Kim could have something there. I had a wig and maintaining was such a pain, I just bought another and another and…eventually what to do with wigs that i realistically would never make new-looking again. Unfortunately I think they’re all unfree in a storage box.

  • It did occur to me that one was a dead squirrel. But I inspected it closely and remembered that squirrels don’t have long curly locks.

    Yesterday I saw eight police cars parked on the street outside a building near the 1km stretch of wigs, and I wondered if there was a connection. But I’ve heard nothing so far.

  • lol, I’d have to excavate them first…somewhere in the boxes never unpacked in 3 house moves…

  • Crazy, man! I’m going over there to have my hair cut soon, too!