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Lovebirds and loot bags

Reading buddies

It looks like I’m going to keep all three of my baby lovebirds: Piccolo, Banjo and Oboe. They’re quite attached to each other now, and to me. And I’m pretty attached to them too: they’re my flock.

I spend at least an hour in their room each day, reading, while they chew on […]

Duncan and I share an obsession

Female and male eclectus parrots

This is a pair of Eclectus parrots. The red one is the female, and the green one is the male. I want one. I think about them all day and I dream about them at night. They’re great talkers, they’re gorgeous and they have really nice personalities. You […]

I'm smitten

I’m completely enchanted by my baby birds. I want to spend all my time playing with them and teaching them tricks and cuddling them and feeding them and just watching them as they learn new things.

I know it’s a cliche, but they really are growing up so fast. They’re five weeks old now. Already they […]

Flying toddler triplets and trout

Today is the third day of a three-day migraine. I get them fairly often, and they’re pretty predictable. They’re not as bad as some people’s migraines; I don’t throw up or anything like that. I can function, more or less, as long as functioning doesn’t require a lot of motion or noise or strong light […]

Thrills and Spills

Okay, now here’s some MAJOR news for you. Drum roll, please.


He turned one month old today, and he celebrated by flying off my finger while I was washing his face after breakfast. I was so surprised. I just assumed Piccolo would fly first, since he’s the oldest. And I thought it was […]

Lost Cat Blues

I’m having one of those days. It’s 2:00 in the afternoon and I’ve gotten less than nothing done today. I was further ahead at 3:30 this morning than I am now. That’s when the wee birds woke me up for a little meal. I love those baby birds, truly I do, but why do they […]

Concrete steps and first flights

I’m starting to worry about my front porch again. I managed to get an extension on the deadline for fixing it, but now the new deadline is rapidly approaching. August 15. Does anyone know anyone who is a good handy-type-person with some experience in patching concrete steps? I think it’s just a little job, but […]

Head over Heels

I’ve fallen head over heels in love with these baby lovebirds since I started feeding them a few days ago! It’s like watching babies grow up, but even faster. Every day they’re bigger and smarter and more competent. The oldest one, Piccolo, climbs up my shirt now to nestle in my hair. This morning he […]

10 Ways to Kill a Baby Bird

We took the baby lovebirds out of Billie’s cage yesterday morning, and brought them to my house. They’re living inside a parakeet bathtub which is lined with shredded paper and which sits atop a stack of baby towels inside a blue plastic bin on top of a heating pad on the table in my art […]

Mayhem in the Love Nest

Before I tell you about the Yarn Sale, I have to tell you what happened AFTER the yarn sale.

We were going to have a nap after all that exhausting yarn shopping, and then we were going to eat dinner and go to Shakespeare in the Park. But first I checked my email and […]