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The Baseline Cowboys

The Baseline Cowboys

I was walking down Baseline Road on Wednesday afternoon when I came across some happy dudes sitting on a couch with a sign that said “Spread the awesome.” They had a Vancouver Canucks jersey too.

So I stopped to talk to them.

“Whatcha doing?” I asked.

They told me that they do this on Wednesdays. It’s their thing. They haul some couches out onto the front lawn and they make a sign and they sit there and drink beer and wave at any traffic that honks. There are five or six of them and they call themselves the Baseline Cowboys. There were only two there when I saw them, but it was still early. Rush hour.

“Is it always about hockey?” I asked.

Oh no, they said. Every week it’s something different. This week it was hockey because it happened to be the 7th game in the finals.

“What was it last week?” I asked.

One of them wasn’t there last week and the other one couldn’t remember. But then it came back to him.

“It was about parking in our driveway.”

“Parking in your driveway?”

“Yeah,” he said.

Long pause.

“Cool,” I said.

Then we all introduced ourselves and shook hands, and I asked if I could take their picture and put it on my blog, and they liked that idea. They told me to look them up on Facebook: they’re called the Baseline Cowboys.

Later that evening I became the 12th person to officially like the Baseline Cowboys. Since then, seven more people have liked them. You should too. Or check them out in person at 1605 Baseline Road, any Wednesday. Don’t forget to honk. Help spread the awesome.

I see on Facebook that next Wednesday’s sign might be about Brendan’s mom.

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