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I got in an actual fight

Yesterday afternoon I was walking down Merivale Road, nursing a migraine, when the guy walking in front of me grabbed an election sign out of the grass and tossed it in the ditch. Moments later we were both standing at the intersection of Merivale and Baseline, and I said “You know, you’re not supposed to […]

Saying goodbye

I went to Parliament Hill yesterday, to pay my last respects to Jack Layton. It was a very long, very slow line which stretched pretty much around the whole East Block. I’m glad I went, though I didn’t stay.

There was a man near me in the line who said it would be 10 p.m. before […]

Goosebumps and Tears

I’m heartbroken about Jack Layton’s death this morning.

We all knew it didn’t look good a month ago when he stepped down temporarily from his job so he could get treated for cancer. He looked so thin. ‘Gaunt’ was the word everybody used. And the alarming thing was he had become so gaunt so quickly […]

Insite comes to Ottawa

The Harper Government TM is still attempting to shut down Insite, Canada’s only supervised injection site. The case is now before the Supreme Court of Canada, which is where I spent yesterday morning.

I had to line up to go through a scanner, and empty my pockets and put metal things in a bin and so […]

Kazoo has spoken

This is what Kazoo thinks of Stephen Harper.

For the record, this was not staged. I didn’t even notice that Harper and the other candidates were lining his cage until I went to change the paper today.

Nor did I unduly influence Kazoo with my own well thought out and strongly held opinions; he and I […]

Losers and winners

The election took all the wind out of my sails. Even though I was pleased with the NDP’s unprecedented surge forward into Official Oppositiondom, I was knocked flat by the Harper GovernmentTM securing its majority. Four years of unfettered power. Four years of tyranny. Four years of watching him dismantle the things that matter while […]

A tale of two contests

Where’s everybody watching the election results tomorrow night? I’ll be working at the polling station all day, and then I think I’ll dash over to GC’s place to watch the results, since he has a TV and everything.

Remember the Ontario provincial election about 20 years ago, when CBC (I think) announced that the Liberals […]

Playing with the big boys

Oboe, my little lovebird, gets to come downstairs and hang out with the big birds and me a couple times each day, while Duncan’s outside. He doesn’t waste a second of that time.

I’m convinced that lovebirds are the border collies of the bird world. They’re active, agile, energetic, cheerful and clever, and they’re always […]

Making wine for alcoholics

GC and I made 4,000 bottles of wine yesterday. It’s for the Managed Alcohol Program at The Oaks, which is under the Shepherds of Good Hope umbrella. We’re the new volunteer assistant winemakers.

There’s a wine-making room on the premises, where they make the equivalent of 4,000 bottles every five weeks. Making the wine instead […]

Stephen Harper gives me the creeps

Last night Duncan and Logan and GC and I all headed over to GC’s house to eat pizza and watch the debate, since he has a TV.

What I can’t figure out is how any thinking person who pays any attention to what’s going on in this country could bring themselves to vote for that […]